Friday, February 7, 2025
Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeDesignBars and RestaurantsWhisky and gin bar debuts at The Crusoe

Whisky and gin bar debuts at The Crusoe

The owners of The Crusoe in Lower Largo, TBC Company, have created a whisky and gin bar at the hotel callled The Juan Fernandez.

The new bar may only seat 12 people but it has an extensive range of whiskies and Scottish gins.

The name Juan Fernandez celebrates the Peruvian island where Alexander Selkirk, a resident of Lower Largo, was marooned in the early 18th century and whose experience is said to have been the inspiration of Daniel Defoe’s book ‘The Life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe’.

The Crusoe Hotel is already known for its connection to the book with a footprint in the bar which if the story is to be believed was Alexander Selkirk’s. The hotel also has a first floor restaurant with panormaic sea views, and a bar on the ground floor called the Seaside Bar

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