Hospitality Health, which was formed last August, officially launched last month at a morning event at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow attended by around 80 people from throughout the industry. The charity has been set up by Gordon McIntyre, Associate Dean of Hospitality & Tourism at Glasgow
College, who is also Chairman of the Charity alongside a board of trustees.
Chair Gordon McIntyre, (pictured centre) told the assembled guests that the charity had been formed to support staff and employers in the Scottish hospitality industry and improve the stressful lives of those working within the industry.
He revealed the impetus to set it up came after the tragic death of a chef that he knew well. Says Gordon, “We are offering a service which we hope will mean that hospitality staff are only 2 clicks away from support.” He also said that he supported Danny Myer, the American hospitality guru’s view, that “Staff and not the customer should come first.”
The charity has developed a Wellness Charter, and businesses that sign up to the Wellness Charter will commit to adopting an Employee Assistance Programme through a dedicated online support portal. Hospitality Action is
offering a programme is designed specifically to assist hospitality people by providing specialist, independent, confidential advice, support and assistance, whatever the problem – mental health and wellbeing, gambling as well as assistance with drug and alcohol abuse issues.
Gordon says, “I have seen first-hand the devastating effects stress can have, and I really wanted to give something back. Our charity is here to connect staff and students to experienced professionals who can provide expert help at times of need.”
He added, “Many employers have told us that recruitment is also a challenge with many jobs in hospitality unfilled. We really hope that by
improving the health and well-being of those in the industry or about to work in the industry, we will also encourage more people to join us in
what is ultimately very rewarding career.”
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